Bath water and Babies

Every Friday because I open at work at 5am I get to go home to refresh before returning to work later 9ish.(closer to ish than 9 if I can help it) Now in that small space my (return 7am) and my Leaving (9ish) there is a Munro routine that has become very pleasing to me and my 2 smallest boys. Although they already have eaten breakfast they have second breakfast with Dad. Poached eggs and toast, Avo and toast with onion salt or as we had today Toast with Cheese and syrup. (Debbie Mathiesons concoction if I remember) Once breakfast is over it it time for 3 Men in a tub. (ie a deep hot bath)

Now usually by the end of second breakfast both boys have done nappies and a bath is very necessary to refresh their aroma. But Kyle, on two occasions recently, has well relieved himself in the bath. A rather big damper of the spirit of the day.

So today I stripped the Boys for bath. Stephen was whooo!!! stinky baby stinking bumbum style. But kyle was fresh as a rose. My heart sunk. It was chilly this morning and a shower would be the safer option but what I craved was a Hot bath. Memories of last weeks clean up operation flooded my mind trying to convince me else wise. But in the end I took the risk climbed in the Hot tub with a 3year old and a one year old and enjoyed a warming bath complete with bath toys.(and no floating logs)

It got me thinking about Church (Don’t even ask me how?).

I look foward to Church (Call it Sunday school if you must) every week. I participate in its routines
Pre 1) 4 Square
1) Who’s brought their Bible intro etc
2) Singing ( and hopefully Worship)
3) Lessons
4) Cake & Tea

Just because I have been Hurt by the Church on occasions (deeply hurt at that) I am still willing to take the Risk because I also enjoy the Church and its routines (for lack of a better word).

Currently I am not a member in BooK (on Members list) but very much an active member of the Body.

Does Routine = Religion. I am too young & Unwise to debate this topic. I also have no inclination

What I do know is being actively involved challenges me draws me closer to God and gives me & sense of belonging. The acceptance of children has great value to me. I would Miss it if it were gone. Not that it Saves me or that God needs me to do stuff for Him. No for now I choose to involve myself because I see feel and experience the Life of God there.

I participate in Faith….May it be pleasing to you Oh Lord


Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working
For the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward.

About neilshopecorner

I am Alex Neil Munro. My claim to fame is I am married to Coralie Munro. I have 4 boys & a landrover. (Clearly i’m not good at big decisions) My favourite scripture is 1 Corinthians 1:26 – 29 can’t quote it all but says something about God choosing to use the foolish to shame the Wise.
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2 Responses to Bath water and Babies

  1. Leigh says:

    Were you spared the horror of the log after all?

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